

17 Nisan 2022 Pazar

Cats Learn the Names Of Their Owners and Friend Cats in Their Daily Lives Claim Study

Japanese researchers (Saho Takagi,Atsuko Saito,Minori Arahori,Hitomi Chijiiwa,Hikari Koyasu,Miho Nagasawa,Takefumi Kikusui,Kazuo FujitaHika Kuroshima ) has claimed that the mystery can be solved if cats can remember the names of their owners,friend cats  and the other people.  They conducted  two experiments on 48 cats lived in a house or cat cafe together with at least two other pets.

"Cats have been shown to distinguish their own from another familiar cat’s name in a habituation–dishabituation procedure 25, and they also distinguished those names from general nouns. Interestingly, cats living in multi-cat households habituated less to their companion cats’ names than to other nouns. Conceivably, therefore, cats might also recognize the name of another cat living in the same household.

Here we examined whether cats linked a human utterance and the corresponding object, using a relatively simple task that is applicable to many species: a visual-auditory expectancy violation task previously used to test cats’ ability to predict an object when hearing that objects’ name 24. As stimuli we used the names of other cats (“models”) cohabiting with the subjects in Exp.1, and human family members’ names in Exp.2. Cats were presented with the face of the other cat (Exp.1) or human (Exp.2) following presentation of the model’s name, called by the owner (Exp.1) or an experimenter (Exp.2). Half of the trials were “congruent,” i.e., the model’s face and name matched, whereas the other half were “incongruent” (the stimuli mismatched). Previous research showed that cats matched human photos and voices24, which established the validity of presenting photos as stimuli. Our hypothesis was that cats learned face–name relationships by observing interactions involving their owner, and that more such observations would lead to stronger learning. 

We tested two groups of cats, differing in the number of other cats they lived with: cats belonging to cat cafés where many cats live together, and household cats. The latter probably have more opportunities to observe interactions between the owner and each of the other cohabitating cats, which might facilitate learning of the face–name relationship.

Therefore, we analyzed data from household cats and cat café cats separately in Exp.1. In Exp.2, analysis concerned the number of cohabiting family members because more members would have more opportunities to hear other members’ names (e.g., people living as a couple probably say each other’s name less often than people living in a larger family). In Exp.2 we considered length of time living with the family as well as the number of family members.

We made two predictions. First, attention toward the stimulus face displayed on the monitor should be longer in incongruent trials due to expectancy violation. Second, the amount of violation is related to the amount of exposure to relevant interactions; specifically, household cats should show stronger violation effects than café cats in Exp.1, and cats living in households with more people should show more evidence of expectancy violation in Exp.2."

Experiment 1

Materials and methods

"We tested 48 cats (28 males and 19 females). Twenty-nine (17 males and 12 females, mean age 3.59 years, SD 2.71 years) lived in five “cat cafés” (mean number living together: 14.2, SD 10.01), where visitors can freely interact with the cats. The other 19 (11 males and 8 females, mean age 8.16 years, SD 5.16 years) were household cats (mean number living together: 6.37, SD 4.27). We tested household cats living with at least two other cats because the experiment required two cats as models. The model cats were quasi-randomly chosen from the cats living with the subject, on condition of a minimum period of 6 months cohabiting, and having different coat colors so that their faces might be more easily identified. We did not ask the owner to make any changes to water or feeding schedules.

Result: House cats attended for longer in the incongruent than the congruent condition, as predicted

We predicted that the longer the cat and human had lived together, the stronger the association between name and face would be, due to more opportunities to learn it."

Experiment 2

The procedure in Exp.2 was almost the same as in Exp.1, but we used human instead of cat stimuli. In view of likely differential exposure to name–face relationships depending on the number of people living together (for example, someone living with a single other person calls that person’s names less often than someone living with multiple others), we took this factor, along with length of time living together, into account in the analysis.

Materials and methods

We tested 26 household cats (15 males and 11 females, mean age 5.2 years, SD 3.27 years) living in houses with more than two people. Thirteen cats lived with two-person families, seven with three-person families, four with four-person families, and two with five-person families. Durations of living together ranged between 6 and 180 months (mean 49.79 months, SD 41.50). We did not ask the owner to change water or feeding schedules.

The more the number of family members increased, the longer cats attended to the monitor in the incongruent compared to the congruent condition.

Our interpretation is that cats living with more people have more opportunities to hear names being used than cats living with fewer people, and that living with a family for a longer time increases this experience. In other words, the frequency and number of exposure to the stimuli may make the name–face association more likely."

Source: Takagi, S., Saito, A., Arahori, M. et al. Cats learn the names of their friend cats in their daily lives. Sci Rep 12, 6155 (2022).

14 Nisan 2022 Perşembe

Buz Devri'nin yapımcısı Blue Sky Studios Vedası: Scrat Meşe Palamudunu Sonunda Yedi


Blue Sky Studios çalışanlarından oluşan ufak bir ekip, stüdyonun kapanmasından sonra hayranlarına veda etmek için 34 saniyelik son bir animasyon i yayınladı.

Bu kısa video YouTube'da  Finale adlı sırf bu videoyu atmak için yeni oluşturulmuş kanala aşağıdaki açıklama ile yüklendi.

"In the final days of Blue Sky Studios, a small team of artists came together to do one final shot. This shot is a farewell, a send-off on our own terms."

Scrat ile başlayıp Scrat ile bitirmeleri ve bu kadar kısa bir animasyonla büyük mesaj vermeleri dünya geneli hüzünlü mesajlar atılmasına neden oldu.

Disney, 20th Century Fox'un satın almasını tamamladığında, Buz Devri serisinin Yapımcısı olan şirket Blue Sky Studios'u kapattı. Disney Buz Devri serisine devam edecek ancak yapımcısı olan orijinal stüdyo artık görev almayacağından, Blue Sky'daki bazı ekip üyeleri kısa süre önce stüdyoya kendilerine yakışır şekilde veda etmek için bir araya geldi.

İşte o tarihi video 

7 Nisan 2022 Perşembe

Türklerin r/place Üzerinde Bıraktığı Eserler

Reddit’in  2017  yılında başlattığı Place deneyi,  72 saat sürmüştü. 5 yıl sonra Reddit, uygulamayı bu 1 Nisan’da da hayata geçirerek, görülen yoğun ilgiden dolayı 1 gün uzatarak kullanıcılara eğlenceli ve rekabet dolu anlar yaşattı. Bu yıl  Twitch yayıncılarının büyük kitlelerinin de katılmasıyla harcanan yoğun emeklerle ilk haline göre ciddi ilerleme kaydetti. Bu sefer ülkemizin elraenn, pqueen, mithrain, gibi birçok yayıncıları organize hareket etmesiyle haritaya Türk dokunuşları da yapıldı.

1- Türk Bayrakları ve  Kıbrıs Bayrağı

Defalarca saldırı alsa da son resimdeki haliyle finalde yerini alan anıtkabirli  ve kıbrıs bayraklarımız.

2.Atatürk Portresi

Atatürk Portremiz ilk günden son ana kadar korunarak tablonun en üst köşesinde yerini aldı.

3.Kaplumbağa Terbiyecisi, Çay Bardağı, Türk Kahvesi

4. Don't uyarılarından sonra Tavuk Döner, Döner Yazıları


6.Barış Manço Portresi

7.Fatih Sultan Mehmet Portresi

6 Nisan 2022 Çarşamba

Üretim Planlamada Optimize Edilmiş Üretim Teknolojisi ve 9 Temel İlkesi

Optimized Production Technology , Optimize Edilmiş Üretim Teknolojisinde temel amaç bir optimizasyon algoritması ile üretim süreçlerindeki kısıtları ve/veya darboğazları belirleyip üretim sistemini yönetmektir. OPT sistemindeki ana modül sonlu ileriye doğru çizelgeleme ile kaynak kapasitelerini, talepleri ve stokları girdiler olarak dikkate alır ve optimum üretim için kaynakları değerlendirir. Basitçe OPT geniş kapsamlı bir yaklaşımla darboğazları dikkate alan planlama, çizelgeleme ve stok yönetimi metodudur (Wild, 1990).

Darboğaz Operasyonlarının Çizelgelenmesi 

Optimize Edilmiş Üretim Teknolojisi (OPT) 9 Temel İlke 

1- Akışı dengele, kapasiteyi değil

2- Darboğaz oluşturmayan bir kaynağın kullanımına, kaynağın bulunabilirliğine göre karar verilmez.

Üretim süreçlerinde darboğazlar varsa üretim kapasitesini maksimuma çıkarmanın anlamı olmayacaktır. Çünkü bu durum daha fazla ara stok oluşturmanıza sebep olacaktır.
Darboğaz olmayan kaynağın kullanımı, sistem içerisindeki başka kısıtlar tarafından belirlenir.

3- Bir kaynağın kullanımı ve aktif olması eş anlamlı değildir.

4- Darboğazda yaşanabilecek bir saatlik kayıp, sistemin bütünü için kayıptır

5- Darboğaz olmayan kaynakta kazanılan bir saat, sistemin bütününe bir fayda sağlamayacaktır. (Maddenin aslında bu kazanç, serap olarak nitelendirilmiştir)

6-  Bir kitlenin tamamının transferi olmayabilir ve sıklıkla olmayacaktır, bu transfer edilen miktar prosesin kitlesine denktir.

Bir proses kitlesi sabit bir değer değil değişkendir.

Darboğazlar tüm sistemin çıktısını ve envanterini belirleyici nitelik taşır.

9- Aktivitelerin ve üretim kapasitesinin programlanması sıralı olarak değil aynı anda gözden geçirilerek yapılmalıdır. Optimize Edilmiş Üretim Teknolojisinde kapasite ve öncelik aynı önem derecesine sahip olmalıdır. Tedarik zamanları bu çizelgelerin bir sonucu olup önceden belirlenemezler. 

Bu ilkeleri  şirketinizin üretim yazılımına uyarlayarak Optimize Edilmiş Üretim Planlama metoduyla tedarik zincirindeki darboğazlarda iyileştirmeler yaparak operasyonel verimlik artışı elde edebilirsiniz. 

Kaynak: Wild, R., Production and Operations Management Fourth Edition, Henley-The Management College and Brunel University, UK,1990

5 Nisan 2022 Salı

Full Final Screenshots of r/place 2022

Reddit Place, which began on April 1, 2022 and lasted for four days. These are final screenshots before vanishing . Final images are used for canvas print, puzzle, bag, sweatshirt designs.

If you want to download high quality bigger scale (16000x16000) screenshots i shared below the download link.

 The images of most creative artworks shared in the below video


Screenshot that contains upper Right Arkeonos  Logo 

The 9 principles of the Optimized Production Technology (OPT)

Optimized Production Technology is a method of production flow management. The OPT is mainly based on the identification, management and the resolution of bottle necks, root of useless stocks (mudas) in the production system. Like OPT, the Lean Manufacturing philosophy has a close relationship with the search for optimization by reducing waste. The aim of OPT is to obtain a maximum just-in-time flow through the whole chain, without producing any additional stocks.

The 9 principles of the OPT

1. Balance the flow and not the capacity

2. The use of a non-necking resource is not determined by its availability

3. Use and activation of a resource are not synonymous

4. An hour wins on a bottleneck resource, it's an hour won for the global system

5. An hour earned on a non-neck appeal is nothing, it's just a mirage.

6. The transfer batch may not be and often should not be equal to the processing batch

7. The processing batch must be variable and not fixed

8. The bottlenecks not only determine the flow of the entire system but also define their stocks

9. The programming of activities and productive capacity should be considered simultaneously and not sequentially. Lead-times are a result of programming and cannot be assumed

4 Nisan 2022 Pazartesi

Famous Paintings On Reddit Place in 2022

Place is a live collaborative project of Reddit first began on April Fools' Day 2017 and now available again after 5 years on April Fools' Day 2022. This is third day, map expanded. In this post I just want to talk about famous artworks not flag wars. In the canvas there are more than I shared so check the video for discovering other paintings. 
Also whole map, original paintings and canvas versions of them contains in the video.

Looks like The Night Watch by Rembrandt van Rijn. Netherlands' users and other art lovers supported for this awesome work.

Edit: zeven provinciën battle ship added to the  map

Girl with a Pearl Earring- Johannes Vermeer r/place

The Starry Night-Vincent van Gogh r/place

The Scream-Edvard Munch

 The Tortoise Trainer-Osman Hamdi Bey (still work in progress)

Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci

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