Residents deposit items (including furniture, computers, audio equipment and bikes) in workshops to be refurbished and resold. Old materials are given new life through repair and upcycling. Everything sold is recycled or reused or has been organically or sustainably produced. ReTuna Återbruksgalleria run by the local municipality, the centre has created 50 repair and retail jobs, and houses start-ups and local artisans. The municipality of Eskilstuna wants to be a green role model.
How the system works?
Visitors may easily separate their trash into the bins and then drop off reusable toys, furniture, clothing, decorative goods, and technological gadgets at the mall's "Returen" depot. Staff from AMA (Eskilstuna Municipality's activity, motivation, and work resource unit) undertake an initial culling of what is usable and what is not in the depot. The materials are then distributed to the mall's recycling centers. After that, the shop staff performs a second culling, selecting what they wish to repair, fix up, convert, refine, and eventually sell. The materials are given new life in this way.
Over 50 new jobs have been created as a result of the ReTuna Återbruksgalleria. The mall has made international headlines, with documentary filmmakers, journalists, and curious tourists flocking to ReTuna Återbruksgalleria from all over the world. The concept is now spreading over climate friendly countries.
Official Site:https://www.retuna.se/english/
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